Monday, April 07, 2003

Some random thoughts:

1. sHEAVY's album Synchronized is fuckin' sweet, even though some people will think they're straight Black Sabbath ripoffs. I dare anyone to tell me the synth bit from the title track is anything but bad-ass, though. Same goes for "The Time Machine."

2. On a similar note, if all the weird realities posited by stoner rock were real, how crazy would life be? Very crazy, if you ask me, and not crazy in a shitty Jefferey Dahmer way, but a bizarre, fairly positive Dave Brock-on-a-gram-of-acid way. Androids, interdimensional warriors, self-aware machines, unspeakable horrors, demons, pot-smoking messiahs... you name it, something that falls under the aegis of "stoner rock" has covered it and made it seem as if the world would be way cooler if it was all at least quasi-literal.

3. Would Robert E. Howard have remained as good as he is if he hadn't offed himself as early as he did? Would Conan have continued to plunder the ancient world on the same scale? Would Texas be a better state for having a writer like REH cling to the mortal coil for another few decades? Would the glaring racism REH espoused have been tempered with age?

4. Alcohol is a great drug, and everyone should tip bartenders far more than the miserly 15%, because bartenders keep the booze coming.

5. Check out this web log, run by a couple buddies of mine. It makes me look downright pleasant at times, they've got great taste in movies (well, usually), and they've got plenty more links than I do. I think that last bit is because I'm lazy about typing in the needed HTML. Their link to the frog found in Kroger canned peas is depressing, not because some dude almost ate a frog, but because that poor amphibian got entombed with vegetables.

6. Disinformation seems to have really gone downhill over the past year or so, since they've stopped posting weird stuff and focused mainly on politics. I guess they exhausted their supply of interesting interviewees and articles a while back, which is a shame. That site introduced me to all sorts of worthwhile thinkin' material for a long time. Come on, dudes, post some more pieces on UFOs or psychedelic time travel or something!

That is all. Go buy this damned sHEAVY album, read some S.T. Coleridge poetry, and do whatever you can to make sure future generations don't have to worry about jobs or politicians. Good night, reader.

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