Thursday, April 03, 2003

A quick couple words. I've been thinking about the remark I made about a deity looking kindly upon mankind's shittier side, and I want to amend it. I had in mind, naturaliter, the supposedly benevolent monolith of a god most of the western world kowtows to, but if you think about other gods, gods who are essentially just bad-ass humans with weird character quirks and flaws, things change. Gods like those of the Norse, the Greeks, the Hindus, and generally any old native religions, are more tolerable than the god of the monotheists, because said gods don't expect perfection. They themselves, after all, aren't perfect, just cosmically-scaled humans with superpowers. They're often assholes, and downright scary, but shit, they seem a little more worthy of appreciation than YHWH and his crew. It could be that I just don't like the pricks that speak for YHWH. Hard to say, given my constant mental debate on the subject.

On a much better note: if you ever need to chill out and quick, throw on Brant Bjork and the Operators' self-titled album. You'll be laid-back in no time flat.

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