Friday, October 30, 2020

Judith Teixeira: "Podes Ter os Amores que Quiseres…"

Here's another poem by Judith Teixeira. I find it somewhat sad, especially knowing that Teixeira probably wrote this about a woman she loved who could or would not return that love publicly, but the poem's sadness is outweighed by its determination—their love remains despite one of them renouncing it. Or perhaps that's wishful thinking on the poet's part; perhaps her beloved will, after all, move on to other people as suggested, but not retain that aching, coal-red love. Maybe this poem was written with that possibility in mind, as a sort of verbal talisman to ward off such an occurrence. I don't know enough Judith Teixeira to say.



"Podes Ter os Amores que Quiseres…"
Judith Teixeira

Podes dizer que me não amas,
sim, podes dizê-lo,
e o mundo acreditar,
porque só eu saberei
que mentes!

Eu estou na tua alma
como a flama
que devora sob a cinza
as brasas dormentes...
Não creias no remorso
- o remorso não existe!
O que tu sentes
e o que em ti subsiste,
são o rubor da minha ternura
e a chama do meu amor
que em ti
nunca foram ausentes!...

Não julgues, não, que me esqueceste,
porque mentes a ti mesmo
se o disseres…
Podes ter os amores que quiseres,
que o teu amor por mim,
como uma dor latente e compungida,
há-de acompanhar sempre
a tua e a minha vida!


"You Can Have the Lovers You Want..."
Judith Teixeira

You can say you don't love me,
yes, you can say it,
and the world will believe it,
because only I will know
you're lying!

I'm in your soul
like the flame
that devours the dormant coals
under the ashes...

Don't believe in remorse
— remorse doesn't exist!
What you feel
and what remains in you,
is the flush of my affection
and the flame of my love
which never left

No, don't think you've forgotten me, no,
because you're lying to yourself
if you say as much...
You can have the lovers you want,
since your love for me,
like a latent, throbbing pain,
will forever be part of
your life and mine!

Thursday, October 22, 2020

"upon hearing that Kerouac died fifty years ago yesterday"

Christ, I'm bad at anniversaries. I wrote this poem last year, and I've edited it a few times since. Earlier this week I remembered the anniversary of Jack Kerouac's death was coming up and meant to share this on time, but no dice. At least I posted it on the anniversary of writing it, for whatever that's worth.

Now would be the time to share some thoughts on Kerouac, but it's late and the poem says enough for the time being. Take it easy, folks.



"upon hearing that Kerouac died fifty years ago yesterday"

Ti Jean drank his way outta here
50 years ago yesterday.
I wonder: was it
coming face to face with
the no-comfort of the Dharma?
Back to the bottle and Mother Mary
when it became clear that
all there was to rest upon
was emptiness?

I understand, Jack
and I forgive you for it.
Death and Florida
are sometimes all you can hope for
and the three marks of existence
can make for one sad hollow
flesh trip.

Hope you're safe in heaven dead
and I wish this world
hadn't been so eager
to show its ugly true face.


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Dungeon Crawling, Heavy Metal: Throne of Iron's "Adventure One"

Getting folks together to play Dungeons & Dragons or another tabletop RPG is always a chore these days, and by "these days" I mean "ever since college." The pandemic has made things somewhat easier for those who play over Zoom, something I haven't tried yet but probably will, sooner or later. Still, ever since I started playing in 1989 or 1990—I never remember which year it was, but it was fifth grade—one of the biggest appeals of the game, and role-playing in general, was reading the rulebooks and setting material and writing up all the characters, places, and events you might someday use in an adventure. As it turns out, the solitary side of what's meant to be a social pastime is as meaningful and fun as playing the game itself! Well, kinda; during all that time spent drawing dungeon maps and creating NPCs, you always hope you'll get to put it into action with some friends after school or on a Friday night, sharing a pizza, a two-liter of soda or a sixer of beer, a bunch of dice, and, inevitably, one measly pencil sharpener.

My experience with heavy metal parallels my D&D career, and is probably similar to a lot of other metalheads'. You get into metal at an age when music is just starting to mean something—entertainment, the source of a burgeoning identity, emotional catharsis, you name it—and it just makes sense. It fuckin' rules. If you're lucky, you have a metalhead friend or two with whom to share the experience, first of listening to shared albums and then going to shows, but it's basically a solo endeavor. If going to concerts is like playing D&D with a proper group, listening to metal records in your bedroom is like reading the Dungeon Master's Guide or the Cyclopedia of the Realms and figuring out what magic items to put in the stash the PCs will find if they don't fuck up too badly. (This is something you'd likely do, of course, while listening to heavy metal in your bedroom, so the comparison is even more apt, I'd say.)

It goes without saying that heavy metal and D&D have a long shared history. Orcus only knows how many metal records contain songs about the band's player characters, or how many D&D monsters and villains have been inspired by metal.  Throne of Iron, however, is one of the few bands that puts the D&D connection front and center, which is one of the things that drew me to them. The band's logo uses the distinctive font from the BECMI D&D boxed sets from the '80s, they've released four singles in the "Roll for Metal" series, which utilize randomly-generated riffs and lyrics, and Adventure One, the band's first full-length, plays out like a D&D adventure, complete with a Dungeon Master, the clatter of dice, and player commentary (The disappointed "fuck" when someone makes a shitty roll for initiative is something we've all uttered.) The combination feels natural, and the somewhat jokey gameplay elements don't detract from the musical at all. Hell, it's all just fun. Watch the "Lichspire" video and you'll see what I mean.

Throne of Iron, you'll be shocked to learn, plays heavy metal in the traditional early '80s vein (which you'll have figured out if you watched the video I linked to a sentence ago.) Think Manilla Road, maybe, with less distinctive vocals, but don't worry about comparisons too much. It's not ground-breaking, but it doesn't try, or need, to be. It's just good, solid, heavy metal full of reliable riffs, mid-tempo chugging, and that admirable quality of being equally worth listening to carefully while you're rolling up stats for that sentient magic sword, or putting on in the background while your party sets out to cleanse the lair of a long-dead wizard of the gelatinous cubes who've moved in. 

So grab a Lone Star—or whatever cheap local beer they drink in Bloomington, Indiana, where Throne of Iron is from—and your dice bag, put on Adventure One at a suitable volume, and enjoy the best of what D&D and heavy metal have to offer. Whether you're alone or with friends, you'll have fun, which is something everyone from the lowliest nerd to the most beer-fueled hesher needs in these dark days. 

May all your 20s be natural, dudes, and long live heavy metal!

Thursday, October 08, 2020

"Outonais" por Judith Teixeira

Howdy, y'all. Apologies for the silence, but as you can probably imagine, given the overall tenor of 2020, time moves strangely and most of my attention has been elsewhere. After all, America is still being ravaged by COVID-19 due to a toxic combination of zero leadership, willful ignorance, and the stupidest form of individualism imaginable, and there's a fascist threatening to remain in the White House if and when his manque Baron Harkonnen ass is voted out, so I've been trying to stay healthy and do what I can to keep this country from gleefully sliding into an abyss lorded over by an even worse assortment of Bible-thumpers, capitalist vampires, and emotionally wounded reactionary swine than we already have.

Those same wretched figures, albeit in older Portuguese forms, appear to have ruined the career of Judith Teixeira (AKA Judite dos Reis Ramos Teixeira). A poet, writer, and publisher of a short-lived magazine called Europa, Teixeira's works were denounced by the Action League of Lisbon Students (Liga de Acção dos Estudantes de Lisboa)—a name that reeks of the particularly awful conservatism of the young—and subsequently ordered to be burned by the Lisbon government. 

Why, you may ask, did these miserable children dislike Teixeira? Because she numbered among "the decadent artists, the poets of Sodom, the publishers, authors, and sellers of immoral books" due to lesbian subtext in her work. Judith Teixeira went on to live in obscurity until her death in 1959 at the age of 79. In a better world than ours, where people weren't slaves to rigid notions of family, country, and god, she may have gone on to write a lot more, and maybe even made a long-standing impact on LGBTQ literature in Portugal. Sadly, we'll never know.

I only recently learned of Teixeira's work, so I don't know if anyone else has translated her into English, but here's one of her poems, chosen for its seasonal relevance. I intend to translate more, too.

If you live in the US, go vote ASAP, and be prepared to step up if things get ugly after November 3. No matter where you live, remember that anti-fascism should be your default political position. If it isn't, ask yourself why, and fix it.



Judith Teixeira

No meu peito alvo, de neve,
as claras pétalas dos teus dedos,
finas e alongadas,
tombaram como rosas desfolhadas
à luz espásmica e fria
deste entardecer...
E o meu corpo sofre,
ébrio de luxúria, um mórbido prazer!

A cor viva dos teus beijos,
meu amor,
prolonga ainda mais o meu tormento,
na trágica dor
deste desvestir loiro e desolado
do Outono...
Repara agora, como o sol morre
num agónico sorrir
doloroso e lento!...


Noite... um abismo...
sombras de medo!
Tumultuam mais alto os teus desejos!
Sobe o clamor do meu delírio
e a brasa viva dos teus beijos,
num rúbido segredo,
vai-me abrindo a carne em sulcos de martírio!

Entardecer — Janeiro




Judith Teixeira

On my snow-white breast,
the pale petals of your fingers,
long and slender,
fall like plucked roses
in the cold and spasmodic light
of this late afternoon...
And my body suffers,
drunk on lust, a morbid pleasure!

The bright color of your kisses,
my love,
further prolongs my torment,
in the tragic pain
of this blonde and bereft undressing
of Autumn...
See now how the sun dies
with an agonized smile,
painful and slow!...


Night... an abyss...
Frightful shadows!
Your desires in a greater uproar!
The clamor of my delirium rises
and the glowing coal of your kisses,
in a red secret,
opens my flesh in furrows of martyrdom!


Sunset — January