Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A window to the sun, or, inappropriately timed lyrical references.

I got home from work around two-something this morning, and the Mann was still awake, so I spent a couple off-and-on hours shooting the shit with him, hassling the ferrets, playing Psychonauts, which Mynheer Van Cleve lent me a while back but I never managed to progress in until recently, and pointedly not writing. I also drank some of the Knappogue Castle that Matt and Sara gave me for Christmas, though I felt kinda bad about doing so. I handed it over to Dave for safekeeping, seeing as how it's good stuff, but since he was awake and I had no beer, necessity, you know, dictated. Well, not necessity, just a long-standing habit that, frankly, I don't want to break, but maybe should. (If you're reading this, Shari: shush, b'y.)

It's almost eight in the morning, so I can go buy beer if I wanted to, but do I? It's a toss-up between doing so and thereby engaging in one of my favorite activities- drinking beer while watching the daylight mount the eastern horizon- and staying here in my warm bed and listening to more Sol Invictus. I should just take some melatonin and sink into blessed sleep, but I'm not placing any bets on either happening within the hour... no, it's time to close down shop, and lay this corpse to rest. For now.

"As the shadows fall
As the day is done
Let the clock wind down
Let the bells be rung"

Good night, blessed world and beloved readers.

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