Saturday, January 21, 2006

Stable-boy for the Devil's steed.

I've discerned a vague pattern to my running commentary:

A) Daily updates, usually devoid of anything interesting.
B) Topical posts, i.e. diatribes about records, books, etc.
C) Drunken, often late-night (by the standards of diurnal folks) rambling.
D) All/some of the above together, in which case I throw in a statement of my love for my friends and family. I never regret such statements, holding to the belief that one must always let one's loved ones know that they are loved, especially when said folks are not immediately available and/or unwilling to take phone calls at six in the morning, wherein yours truly will spout declarations of love and friendship, even if the recipient doesn't want to hear them.

On a somewhat unrelated, but not very much so, note, go read Andy's Small Wood Volumes material. I'd sacrifice my own writing career if it meant that Mr. Link would be published and appreciated.

So much to say, yet such heavy eyelids, leaden sense of insignificance. Buenas noches, mundo.

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