Saturday, January 21, 2006

"Maybe you're all just going faggot."

I spent my afternoon loafing with my brother, which encompassed eating at Chicken & Egg Roll, drinking beer, and trying to figure out how to use the sights on rifles equipped to fire rifle grenades. Afterwards, I came home, watched some metal DVDs (Hypocrisy, Slayer, and Cathedral, namely), then went and saw The Warriors, which was the midnight movie at River Oaks. I can't exactly recall when I first saw said movie- it was either in college with friends or on the almighty and sadly defunct Monstervision, but it was years ago either way- but seeing it on the big screen, beer in hand (River Oaks now sells booze! Now I have a reason to go to the movies again!), and surrounded by people who were, like me, talking shit loudly and having a ball, watching it again was a fuckin' blast. Too bad my brother bailed 3/4 of the way through, for reasons unknown but suspected.

Fuckin' A, folks! I hope your Friday was as solid as mine.

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