Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Exhibits A-C of Saturday night's scavenger hunt.

I really should be writing fiction right now, but I figured I'd take a minute to acknowledge the excellent weekend I had. The highlight, of course, was the Tracey-organized scavenger hunt that took place Saturday evening. Linda, Andy, Penny, and I, collectively known as the Invisibles, had a blast running around town collecting photographic evidence of our shenanigans (which were less shenanigans than minor social absurdities). Behold!

Here I am about to drink a Long Island Iced Tea from the ratty dive known as Marquis II. It contains approximately one half-gallon of varied alcohol, and I consumed no more than a quarter of it. Awful, awful shit.

The Invisibles cram themselves into the men's room at the Volcano. It was rather spacious and clean, and therefore not too off-putting.

And here is yours truly with $350 worth of champagne atop my skull. You can imagine the consequences of the bottle ending up on the floor.

In unrelated news, I received my copy of Hoor-Paar-Kraat's newest release, Asha-Dasha, in the mail today. I have no way of describing it other than to say it's probably far stranger and much cooler than anything you're listening to these days. I can't wait for the dude to release his first LP in the next month or so.

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