Monday, November 01, 2004

I've once again spent a weekend doing little of tangible value. Saw Natalie on Friday, which was fun, and went to Huntsville later that evening, which was also worthwhile. Did virtually nothing Saturday except drink and watch the X-Files, having recovered my collection of tapes from Darcy in Huntsville. Yesterday I watched Donnie Darko, which was incredible and disturbing, and made notes on what may be my next novel.

I reckon the big news around here is that I heard back from one of the literary agencies I fired a query letter off to. They haven't asked for more than additional information about myself and my novel, but it's the brightest prospect I've had so far. I may get lucky and get far enough to send them my manuscript, but I'm not holding my breath. It does make me a bit more confident about my work, however.

I really don't want to go to work.

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