Sunday, November 28, 2004

My brother's been installing Linux all weekend, so I've been without Internet access. I can't really complain, since there's not really a whole lot of time-sensitive information awaiting me online, and I've spent my time reading, being grotesquely lazy (and, off and on, slightly ill), and, today, eating (well, drinking) brunch with multiple Swulii, Sara, and Jackie. (I'm not sure how the latter spells her name, however.)

Various new ideas for the next novel are cropping up from time to time, and I'm trying to keep track of them with pen and paper. Making notes makes me feel less like I'm failing my art, and indeed even makes me feel like I'm doing myself some good, since the last couple novels weren't exactly thought out before I began writing them.

Speaking of my previous books, I've come up with an excellent idea for Christmas. Everyone I know should purchase a copy of Axis Mundi Sum as their Christmas gift to someone else. Naturally, people who already own copies are excluded from receiving them, but it would be a nifty idea, and I'd be willing to sign any and all copies that came my way. Instead of shirts, socks, immediately-obsolete electronic gadgetry, or mass-market paperbacks, buy Axis Mundi Sum for your friends and loved ones. I'd sincerely appreciate it.

Lastly- and this applies to none of the people who read this regularly, as far as I know- tolerance for the sake of not looking like an asshole is asenine. Then again, so is being a dick just to be a dick.

Good night.

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