Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Curricular activities.

Last week I got the files containing my pops' book on the battle of Stones River, which I have taken it upon myself to proofread, edit, and hammer into camera-ready shape so that it may be published sometime later this year. It's a slightly daunting task, seeing as how the book is approximately 850 single-spaced pages, but I look forward to giving it my best. I took care of the first chapter's today, and if I stick with it, I should have the job completed by no later than the end of the summer, which is also when I'd like to have the first draft and cut, respectively, of Unheimlich and All Right finished. It's gonna be a busy summer indeed, and I'm not counting the writing I'm gonna force myself to do for our burgeoning circle of literatteurs.

It's great not wasting time doing or thinking about jack shit other than the things I like wasting time doing or thinking about, though I could go for a beer right about now.

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