Monday, May 12, 2003

We've finally got AC back, albeit temporarily. The final repairs should be done this week, but for the time being, I'm enjoying my freon fix.

This article and this one is about Jayson Blair, the NY Times journalist who recently got caught writing PURE FUCKING FICTION and
passing it off as reality. Despite a long record of being chided by his editors for mistakes and whatnot, the Times claims that they had no
idea that Blair was essentially a pathological liar, or just a lazy, unprincipled journalist, wielding a pen and the paper's finances.
Interesting story, but it makes me think. All right, this guy's a fucking fake, right, palgiarizing and making stuff up for the paper and lying about
his expenses. Not good. However, this is merely a blatant example of what happens EVERY DAMNED DAY. When editors and boards
prevent journalists from printing certain things, they're essentially doing the same thing Blair did: lying to the public. They're just omitting
things instead of fabricating them, which is simply a more subtle way of controlling what information reaches the public.

Now, this Blair dude is obviously not the man to be reporting on what's happening in the world, because he utterly lacks ethics. But so do plenty
of other journalists and their bosses, who are beholden to any number of corporate and/or governmental interests. Like I said, they filter out
what comes across their desks at the behest of the powerful "boards and syndicates," to use Bill Burroughs' term, who have no interest
in actually informing people as to how the world works. Shareholders, editorial boards, whatever- they manipulate what you read and watch, and
then, when one of their lackeys gets caught lying through his teeth, they wash their hands of him and try to convince everyone that there are
only a few bad egges, like Blair, in the world of journalism. Never mind that newspapers routinely whitewash governmental and corporate misdeeds,
promote wars, and generally do their utmost to muddle the average man's understanding of world events. The media in general are about as unethical
as Jayson Blair- no, they're far more unethical, because they demand their employees to hold themselves to a standard that they themselves will
not. They, after all, are management, and everybody knows that it's never management that fucks up, just the workers.

Fuck 'em all, and fuck their lies.

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