Monday, May 19, 2003

Wasted much of the day taking care of trivialities regarding my impending move. On the
way home, Sara and I saw that it was 104 degrees outside. I need not say more.

I could use a beer, but I'm too lazy to go buy any. I'm also out of gin, so maybe I'll have
to resort to (ugh) vodka and tonic with a little bitters. Or, perhaps, raki or Pernod on ice. We're
also out of bourbon, you see, so I have to fall back on the liquor we rarely drink.

The ball's rolling again with my new novel. I just hope it doesn't slow down anytime soon.
I'd like to have it finished by the end of the year, though given my usual work habits, that's
not too likely. Maybe if I push myself a little harder...

Saw Dogtown & Z-Boys this weekend, something I've been wanting to see for a while.
Very cool, even if you were never into skateboarding; certainly made me want to go buy a
deck and cruise around for the hell of it, just like I did twelve years ago. Good soundtrack,

I think it's time for that vodka and tonic.

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