Thursday, May 29, 2003

"Night of the Shape": One of Electric Wizard's greatest tunes, and an amazing piece of music to write and/or think to.

H.P. Lovecraft: All his flaws and idiosyncrasies aside, one of the 20th century's greatest writers, and the perfect
author to read every night before bed.

Moving: Immense hassle that it is, it gives one the chance to sit in a room stripped of decoration and ruminate over
any number of things.

Paranoia: Horrifying, yet exhilarating. Spend several years reading strange books and removing yourself from the
company of others, add a window to peer out of periodically, and mix with an innate distrust of government and
virtually all other institutions, and you're on your way to becoming fast friends with non-clinical paranoia.

np: Electric Wizard, Dopethrone

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