Friday, August 18, 2006

Love and death and love and life.

I bet y'all are getting tired of me writing about the never-ending aftermath of Nat's death, but I'll keep this'n short.

I wrote a few days ago that Major Briggs' fear that "love is not enough" came to mind when I heard about Natalie. I still believe that, although in an amended form: "love is not always enough." This applies to much more than just Natalie, but I don't want to expound on that right now; I'd rather just say that Nat's case was the most extreme one of love not being enough to get one through life, because so many things in her life simply wouldn't let it.

However, for those of us fortunate enough not to be burdened with overwhelming, inescapable self-hatred, love usually is enough, if not the sole reason we keep on keepin' on. The love I feel for, and the love I receive from, my friends and family is the most important thing in my life, and I know that many of the people I love feel the same way. None of us would be anywhere without it.

So, once more, I love you all. May you love others as much as I love you, and may the love you give and receive infuse your lives and overcome anything that might stand in its way. If it doesn't, please don't give up.


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