Sunday, March 26, 2006


I had a good time at Uncle Smitty's this weekend, which should come as no surprise. I watched some Jeremy Brett-era Sherlock Holmes on satellite TV, read about the Korean war, and talked with my uncle, Scott, and Vanessa about everything from teaching to backwoods East Texas black culture to NASCAR to the fate of General Motors. Around 1:30 in the morning I caught a half-hour documentary film called Sunrise Over Tiananmen Square, which was beautifully animated and compelling in its sentiment and simplicity- not to mention that it sated my need for anything Chinese.

I got absolutely nothing done in terms of writing, but fuck it. The weekend passed too quickly, but it served its purpose, and I'm a little more at ease with life right now.

It's time to go investigate Ethiopian military involvement in Korea c. 1951-53, so I'll catch y'all later.

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