Sunday, March 12, 2006

Another weekend.

My weekend's been good, more or less. There were the usual episodes of self/booze-induced despair and stupidity, but they were outnumbered by the good times. I got to see a lot of folks that I never see enough of, some of whom have never, ever let me down as human beings. It's more than I can say for others, but ain't that how it always goes? Fuck 'em, and fuck me.

I spent tonight half-passed out on the living room floor, drinking beer and listening to Venom's MMV boxed set. Frankly, I'm surprised I bought it, but I'll be damned if it ain't good to be able to listen to certain songs again.

I also started reading China Mieville's The Scar. A hundred pages in, I can't believe I'm not any further. I reckon I want to stretch it out.

A couple weeks from now I'll be heading to my uncle's place with my brother. It'll be the last time my bro makes it up there for the next couple of years, more than likely. Talk about fuckin' depressing.

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