Saturday, August 20, 2005


I'm considering voting for Kinky Friedman for Governor of Texas next year. He's a legitimate human being, and while I have no real faith in the political systems of this state, country, or world, it would be a massive leap forward for the Lone Star State to have someone in office that's not a soulless piece of shit.

As usual, I've spent some of my last-few-days-before-payday funds on albums. I picked up Bad Brains' first album, Thrones' Day Late, Dollar Short, which I enjoy a lot more than Sperm Whale, and Ginnungagap's contribution to the Latitudes series that Southern Records is releasing. Of these three albums, the only one I can recommend to just about anyone would be the Bad Brains album. Thrones aren't something that folks who don't like one-man heavy (but not necessarily metal) drum machine/distorted bass/outre electronic weirdness would dig, though I'd be happy to be proved wrong. Ginnungagap might strike fans of folk/acoustic/drone/etc. the right way, but I suspect your average listener wouldn't be down for a quartet of long songs with no vocals.

Somewhere in this house is the replacement cartridge for my turntable, as well as the large-hole adapter for 45s. I remember almost leaving them at the old place, only to put them in a box at the last minute. Which box? Good question.

I hope my brother's having fun in Europe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get yer biscuits in the oven, and yer buns in the bed! I say you ought to throw your vote Kinky's way based soley off my knowledge of this song. Democracy in action!
- Bill

Get Your Biscuits in the Oven and Your Buns in the Bed
(Lyrics: Kinky Friedman)
You uppity women I don't understand
Why you gotta go and try to act like a man,
But before you make your weekly visit to the shrink
You'd better occupy the kitchen, liberate the sink.
Get your biscuits in the oven and your buns in the bed
That's what I to my baby said,
Women's liberation is a-going to your head,
Get your biscuits in the oven and your buns in the bed.
Early every morning you're out on the street
Passing out pamphlets to everyone you meet.
You gave up your Maiden Form for Lent
And now the front of your dress has an air scoop vent.
Every single brakeman that's ever come along
Had a little woman always telling him that he's wrong.
Eve said to Adam, Here's an apple you horse
And Delilah defoliated Samson's moss.
Get your biscuits in the oven and your buns in the bed
That's what I to my baby said,
Women's liberation is a-going to your head,
Get your biscuits in the oven and your buns in the bed.
Mean-hearted harpies are breaking all the laws
Tearing up their girdles and a-burning up their bras,
Now the air is dirty and the sex is clean
And your coffee makes my hair turn green.
So damn emancipated in your mind and your body,
Gonna have to cancel all your lessons in karate.
If you can't love a male chauvinist
You'd better cross me off your shopping list.
Get your biscuits in the oven and your buns in the bed
That's what I to my baby said,
Women's liberation is a-going to your head,
Get your biscuits in the oven and your buns in the bed!