Monday, August 29, 2005

So much to say, but so little energy.

I am very, very tired. I can't fuckin' believe the weekend is over already. I do have a couple remarks before I call it a night, however.

-Michael Haaga, formerly of metal band dead horse (yes, no capitals), has had a new band for a while now. I finally saw them tonight, and, well, as Matt put it, they sound like "the soundtrack to a bad indie film." I just wasn't impressed, even by their dead horse cover. The Riverboat Gamblers, on the other hand, put on one hell of a show, and I saw Christian and Danielle, which made my night, so to speak- being with Matt and Holly really did the trick.

-I can't stop listening to Sentenced during the wee hours, which is pathetic because I only own one of their albums and have only a handful of mp3s.

-I'm working on a new short (and I mean short) fiction piece based on the Finnish suicide pact vignette I posted a few days ago. Once it's done, it'll be posted here, complete with dedication. It's an exercise in sap of the most morbid variety, but God, I love working on it. I've never gotten over the sense of tragic love that was instilled in me (by whom? probably art) years ago.

-Next weekend will be the last one available for non-familial good times for a while, so if you want to hang out, let me know. Forewarning: I will have no money, so either suggest something that requires no cash or be prepared to pony up for beer.

1 comment:

chainlinkspiral said...

Suburbs. Suburbs. Suburbs...