Tuesday, August 23, 2005

"I haven't seen a roll job that good since..."

Random pseudo-coworkers (pseudo because they work for the same company, but not in my department or on my shift) have, on at least three occasions, made drug references to me as I stood out back having a cigarette. Since I've been rolling my own for the last couple months- the best skill I ever learned- it's not uncommon for someone to leave the building and find me in the middle of rolling a cigarette. Back in college, doing this also earned the inevitable "hey, man, is that a joint?" comment, and I've gotten a couple of those lately as well. However, having middle-aged folks start discussing their dope-addled pasts out of the blue is a different story altogether.

I don't mind, of course. Such conversations may be slightly banal and nostalgia-tinged, but they're superior to discussions of actual work, or weather, or any of the other things that come up when two relative strangers feel the need to acknowledge each others' existence.

It's time to write, but before I go, dig this, courtesy of Warren Ellis' site: Unusual Otter Attack Kills Dog. Proof that ferrets and their kin are the earth's finest mammals. ALL HAIL THE ANIMAL TRIUMVIRATE THAT SHALL RULE THE EARTH WHEN MAN RENDERS HIMSELF EXTINCT!

1 comment:

chainlinkspiral said...

You've been a posting madman since your connection got back up. Hail and salutations.

We need to get this suburban weekend thing on the frontburner. Summer is fading fast, but the whole summer-fall transition period is ripe for exploitation.

I think the madre is out of town two weekends from now, though I'm not for certain, but I have a feeling most folk will be out of town anyways, as that's the last of the summer holiday weekends.

Good stuff on the page, from today's perusal. Keep cracking.