Friday, August 26, 2005

Predawn stasis

It's four AM, and my weekend has begun. Alas, I am currently crippled by an overwhelming desire to do nothing. No, that's not accurate. I want to do something, but I don't know what. About the only thing I can think of that sounds appealing is going over to my brother's place and playing GTA, but since there's a bug in the game, I know I won't be able to complete the only plot-crucial mission available to me right now, so that option ain't so hot. I don't feel like writing. I do feel like drinking, but there's no booze in the house. Read? Maybe. A walk sounds good, at least in theory.

Shit, I guess I'll just smoke some more cigarettes and maybe listen to X. If tonight's like the rest of the nights this week, it'll be dawn before I know it, and then I can occupy myself by walking down to Fiesta and buying beer.

Wait, never mind. The Longest Journey. That should do the trick.

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