Wednesday, July 13, 2005

"We dream we're the people in songs..." -Alan Moore

In case any of you didn't know, I'm a hopeless romantic. Not in the usual sense of the word, either. I am a Hopeless. Romantic. Hopeless does not modify Romantic.

There are worse fates, and I fear that I may have delivered myself into the hands of such a fate a mere two minutes ago. Of course, if all goes well...

Don't forget that if you're reading this, I may very well have a slightly older post to check out as well. I'm good at writing multiple things in one evening.

Wu-wei. The "path." Complete inability to not stray. Alcohol. Dark-haired hope. Spiral-bound self-written history lessons. Glorious brown glow of tobacco. Her. Threat of tears. Retrospect. Starving. Contentment with the now.

"Seventeen is like gold." -Alan Moore

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