Monday, July 04, 2005

I constantly wonder how productive I would be in a different environment. I can think of three specifically that I'd like to try out, though only one of them- relative isolation at my uncle's place for a while- is within my grasp. All of them require not having the distraction of a job, of course; the myriad of other distractions I can create myself are more than enough to deal with when trying to write. Said distractions are the reason I haven't gotten much done this weekend, or at least as much as I'd hoped. I've actually cranked out more tonight than I have in a long while, and I believe I'm gonna keep going for another hour or two.

For some time I've told myself and others that I'm not a big fan of stimulants. I must amend that statement to exclude coffee, especially coffee consumed with cigarettes during a writing session. I need to regularly exchange beer for coffee when I write.

Oh yes. I met a very interesting, very pretty woman this weekend.

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