Sunday, July 31, 2005

Procrastinaturi te salutamus

As y'all know, I'm moving next weekend. Thankfully, it's not far, and because my brother will still be in this apartment for a while, I don't have a definite deadline to have everything out by, though I don't want to take too long.

That said, I'm procrastinating. Everyone knows I would. It's what I do; there aren't a lot of things that I feel need to be taken care of immediately, especially when there's some minor diversion to be had. This weekend, such diversions have included:

-laying down
-outlining the saga of the Rising Son (a Pat Morita/cursed koi Mississippi epic) with Andy and Kyle
-drinking beer
-hanging out at various times with Matt, Sara, Andy, Kyle, Andy, Nick, Tania, and my bro
-going to Karie's party

and so forth. It's Sunday afternoon now, and I should be boxing shit up in preparation of borrowing the Last Eve-mobile later and transporting said shit down the street. But I'm not, because I'm gonna write instead. Things will get done in their own time. This I know, and to act otherwise would be an affront to the Tao.

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