Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Every now and then I wish I had cable, and now is one of those times, because Anthony Bourdain has a new show on the Travel Channel. If there's anything I dig, it's hard-drinking, sarcastic chefs who smoke a lot, write books, and eat still-beating cobra hearts. I owe Matt and Holly for telling me about this dude.

Last night I rented The Battle of Algiers, Suspiria, and Last House on the Left. I've watched the first one, which I recommend to anyone interested in history, colonialism, national independence movements, and terrorism, both revolutionary and state-sponsored. Next on the list is Suspiria, which is one of them there Eye-talian horror pictures by Dario Argento. Last House on the Left, as some of you may know, is Wes Craven's first movie, and from everything I've heard about it over the years, it's a brutal piece of work. I'm curious as to why I rented it, since my threshold for visuals of human suffering has plummeted over the years. I can listen to songs or read books extolling all manners of depravity with virtually no problem, but cinematic representations of people being treated like subhuman shit by other human beings isn't my cup o' coffee. Maybe watching LHOTL is some kind of moral exercise, or maybe I'm just a sick fuck. I'll let you know once I've actually screened it.

If Dr. Long Ghost doesn't make his mischevious presence known soon, I'm gonna have to start ripping the house apart in search of him. I hate when the ferrets disappear, because it just leads to extensive worry.

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