Friday, July 15, 2005

Today was, oddly enough, different than most workdays, but not in any kind of really interesting way for the most part. I got a substantially heftier paycheck than usual, thanks to the monthly bonus and holiday overtime. It was a quite welcome addition to my bank account, seeing as how the electricity bill was revoltingly high last month and I'm fixing to move next month.

It also rained enough to flood West Alabama Street and much of Montrose, which resulted in me having to walk several blocks in water that was often knee-high to meet Nicole for a ride to work. I don't even want to imagine what kind of vile shit- possibly literally- made contact with my flesh. That said, at least it wasn't 2001, when I lived on the ground floor and spent a frantic hour with my girlfriend at the time getting all of our possessions and her cats out of harm's reach. Instead, I showed up at work looking like my usual shabby self- I didn't slog through Houston's liquid nightmare offerings in my work clothes, though the thought of looking like bedraggled mud-caked hell in front of management is satisfying- and made it through the night, though I got raped in terms of payable hours. I talked to Cheyenne on the phone, which made my night, and got a little work done on the project Andy and I have been brainstorming over. Screenplays are much easier to write by hand than novels, and the page count is an excellent source of false gratification.

I've also decided that as well as early '70s muscle cars, I like certain mid-80s vehicles, namely the Monte Carlo SS. Gross, I know, but a cool kinda gross. I blame the Blue Bastard.

Hope all is well with y'all.

1 comment:

chainlinkspiral said...

I'm about half-way done writing one segment. I'm not super pleased with it yet, but I feel the potential is there. It'll be good to give it a good going over. I need as much input on it as I can get. I'll probably get you a floppy disc tonight or tomorrow. I hate sporadic internet connection as much as the next guy. I love all this water, inconvenience that it may be.