Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Life has been good. Scott's been in New Mexico for the past few days, having a good time with the dawn of American nuclear history and a woman, so I've had the place to myself, and will until this weekend. I've kinda made the most of it, although that phrase doesn't carry a lot of meaning for someone who doesn't do much to make of. I've watched some movies, and failed to finish one of them twice. Haven't written, for no good reason other than that MS Word is dead and I'm slightly daunted by the prospect of starting a new file. I saw Elspeth Sunday night, and had a strikingly good time. It sucks that she's leaving town for two weeks come Thursday. Been reading a fair amount, too, which is always good, and I managed to do some grocery shopping, thereby temporarily freeing me from dining out this week.

Dr. Long Ghost is getting worse about scratching at closed doors, particularly those fronted by carpet. This apartment is already a wreck, and he's not ameliorating the situation at all. I feel bad that I have to cage him so much, but man, the little brute is just a furry tube of destruction.

Work is also shitty, but I can't remember a single time in my life when it wasn't. I haven't felt like spending a lot of time in front of the computer, which is affecting my correspondence with folks. What time I do spend here, however, has been fruitful, as a couple guys from the Southern Lord forum have offered to send me just about every Velvet Cacoon album in the mail. Now that's class.

End discussion of quotidian particulars. I need to get away from this Jesu album for a while; it's a complete fucking downer, which is made even worse by its beauty.

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