Saturday, August 09, 2003

Having survived my first week in cubicle purgatory, taking phone calls and responding to emails from all manners of cretins, I am now enjoying my first day off. My ashtray is empty, a fresh beer is standing at attention to my left, and I'm ready to write like a madman. My only complaints are that I have to go back to work on Monday, and my computer is now unable to produce sound, so I can't listen to Blue Cheer as I write.

Another fine note: I've got my ticket to see Iron Maiden next Saturday. I need not say more, except that apparently Motorhead is playing "Shoot You In the Back" live these days- one of my favorite tunes.

It looks like Axis Mundi Sum should be available in a matter of days. I've got a notification list ready, and since I somehow have a little change in my pocket, I think I'll even be able to order a dozen copies to send to reviewers and such.


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