Wednesday, February 15, 2006

It'd be more interesting if it was Valentinus' Day.

After all, sneaking a holiday (of sorts) into the calendar celebrating one of the preeminent early Gnostics is far more entertaining that the overlaying of a Catholic martyr's (if that particular Valentine is the true source of the day, since there were several St. Valentines) holy day over an ancient Roman festival. Of course, I'd take any saint's day or pagan festival over a shoddy excuse to support consumerism in the name of love.

But let's be honest, shall we? I did indeed play the role of consumer for this pseudo-holiday, albeit not specifically for that reason. Blame Looney Labs for including some very cute plush flowers along with Fluxx cards, which I got for Linda after introducing her to the game last week. You should also blame The Sword for releasing their album on Valentine's Day. This I also purchased.

Even if I really cared about Valentine's Day, I couldn't have done anything to, ahem, celebrate it, because I was working as usual. Sweet Jesus, I'm so tired of night shifts and newsprint.

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