Saturday, December 24, 2005

Obligatory notes on the holidays.

For the second year in a row, I'll be spending Christmas with my brother, my parents being in Mexico City and therefore unavailable for what'll pass for festivities. Not that this weekend is lacking in Christmas cheer- I ate dinner at T'afia with my brother and Tracey last night, had drinks with them, Peter, Matt, Sara, and others, had more drinks with Sean and Vanessa. On top of that, I bought myself some new albums- Sig's Lagoon on Main is a pretty neat record store, and I'm glad I finally got to go- and a couple DVDs of Iron Maiden and Enslaved concerts, so I've got entertainment to last some time. Tonight, folks convene for glühwein and conviviality, so all's well there, too.

But I'm still kinda depressed about the whole Christmas thing. As happy as I am to get to spend it with Scott, I wish my family were here, and that I'd had the chance to see some other people as well. Work doesn't help my overall demeanor, either. And considering the year as a whole, I just feel older and increasingly stagnant. That's something to discuss another time, however, because right now, it's time to drop the needle on The Chronic.

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