Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Black metal and beer!

Immortal's At the Heart of Winter and Saint Arnold's Christmas Ale, specifically. No, the irony of anti-Christian music being paired with nominally Christian-themed alcohol (a sub-irony in itself), isn't lost on me. If anything, it's an excellent example of the ethical equivocation- pardon the alliteration- that imbues my being. Kind of.

As I said a couple weeks ago, work's been a real bitch since they laid one-third of my department off and laid all the responsibility for building and proofing ads on my shift. However, not even a threefold increase in my workload can stop me; I've found a way to put up with my massive proofreading load, and on top of that, I'm on the ball financially despite the current gift-giving season and I'm writing at a pace one might call "regular." There are, of course, some things, mainly social, that I haven't yet bested, but I'm working on 'em, even if the folks involved might not realize it.

My brother and I are having a get-together on Christmas Eve at his place. I'm not sure if food will be involved, but there will be hot spiced German wine at hand, as well as stimulating conversation. If you're interested in coming, let me know.

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