Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Andy sex posted my final Critical Hits column, but for some reason I can't find any reference to it other than the link he provided, which I've lost and will post as soon as I get it back from him.

Having run out of X-Files episodes to watch, at least on DVD, I've spent most of the night/morning reading Iain Sinclair's Landor's Tower. As usual, I'm horribly lost in regards to most of his references, but that's just more reason to read more- not just of the novel, but of everything. He's one arcane, erudite, bottom-feeding bastard, and I love it. In fact, I put the book down to come work on some writing of my own, though this fucking entry has sidetracked me momentarily.

As I sat down to write, the ribs on my left side started to hurt. I feared that my lung had collapsed again, but I blew it off. Should spontaneous pneumothorax occur, you'll all find out by either visiting me in the hospital, getting a phone call, or reading a post-procedural update right here.

Fuck cops, by the way, and fuck the City of Houston. Small-minded cocksuckers, all of them.

1 comment:

chainlinkspiral said...

here you be: