Thursday, October 14, 2004

William Gibson is, ahem, blogging again. Check it out. Not only is he a fantastic writer, but he's got his shit together in every other respect as well.

If you're a regular BoingBoing reader, you'll appreciate Wiley Wiggins' wry comments on BoingBoing Lite. You can only handle Cory Doctorow's increasingly tiresome flow of semi-self-aggrandizing copyright/DRM links for so long before you wish that he'd just shut the fuck up. Come to think of it, Xeni Jardin's build-ups to her articles for Wired aren't particularly thrilling either; phonecam chronicles may provide immediacy, but they're rarely compelling.

Nota bene: It appears that Wiley Wiggins removed his comment about why filtering BoingBoing is a good idea. I don't know exactly why, but it's a bit disappointing.

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