Monday, October 25, 2004

When I meet a woman who can make me as consistently happy as the Almighty Riff- and I'm not writing this as an homage to the Almighty Riff so much as a testament to the horribly fickle nature of females, and any charges of sexism be damned- I will be happy.

Sweet Jesus, humanity can be one hell of a disappointment.

1 comment:

chainlinkspiral said...

Damn. I think I know what you mean. Only I don't have any great 'Almighty Riff' frame of reference. You got one up on me. But how exactly does it work out? Will the 'Almighty Riff' stand the test of time and never disappoint, will it stay true and beautiful?

I don't know if that's a sexist comment. When people are compared to something, be it either sex, that's a pretty fine standard. unless you're calling women fickle. In that case you'd be an insensitive ass. And probably right. But the way I see it, most guys are beggars, therefore we're not the choosers. I'm a tad bitter, and my faith is pretty firmly shaken, so I'll just stop writing... now.