Sunday, April 09, 2006

Matt and Holly become one!

There are so many things I could talk about right now- hanging out with old friends, drinking massive quantities of beer, getting my first (and highly pleasant) lap dance- but I will ignore all of that in favor of applauding the marriage of two of my best friends, and two of the best human beings I've ever met: Matt Smith and Holly Hart. They gave me the honor of being a groomsman at their wedding a few hours back, and I honor them by smiling upon their marriage and giving every last ounce of support, blood, sweat, and good will that they might ever require from me.

There's really not much to say, aside from a comment to the newlyweds:

I'm sorry that you where whisked away in a car and not our zeppelin.

I love you both more than you will ever know.

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