Friday, August 20, 2004

Dear Scientist,

The bottle of 18-year-old Glenlivet you so thoughtfully purchased for me on the occasion of my birthday is as excellent as we hoped. Rest assured that I'm not pounding it like Jim Beam, so the next time you stop by the house, it'll be here for you to sample. Keep it Taoist, brother.

Honored To Be Your Friend,

P.S. to the world at large: It appears Jay is planning on going to Malta next spring. I'm envious, naturally, since I've had my sights set on the former home base of the Royal Navy's Mediterranean Fleet for some time; however, I'm curious as to why he chose the island as his destination. Does he care about Maltese history? The syncretic native language? The fact that one of the greatest novels of the 20th century partially took place there? And who's he taking that makes him gloat about "schooling someone on international travel," which sounds like a poor reason to go anywhere? I'm stumped, and, as previously stated, envious, because, as far as I know, I'm the only person who's wanted to visit the history-soaked flyspeck between Sicily and North Africa. Curious indeed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

James educating anyone in any subject is almost as incredulous as me getting a humanitarian of the year award.

Maybe he picked up the urge to travel there when he briefly tried to become you? It's a perfectly viable theory. I substantiate this with the timetable in which he became a smoker, drinker of Lone Star, and folower of Eris.

The Persecution Rests.
