Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Well, the day went well, all things considered. I got my list of errata for my novel mailed off, drank lots of water, finally finished Lin Yutang's The Importance of Living, which is a phenomenal book, and saw Sara. There were a few downers, namely my brother's getting ill from being at work- literally- and my foolish failure to call him when I went to the bar this evening. I really feel bad about having forgotten to let him know we were there; I'd told him I would, and neglected to do so, so I feel as if I broke a promise. It sucks.

I've got a job interview six days from now. Nothing spectacular, but it'll pay the bills, which is all I really expect from a job. (Of course, by writing this, I open myself to all sorts of paranoid behavior, since I can't help but think that my potential employer is searching out every reference to me online in order to assess my viability as an employee. Highly unlikely, I'm sure, but nevertheless a concern.)

I haven't written much in a while, but that's fine, because I'm simply letting my mind fill with the thoughts that constant writing rarely allows to accumulate, thoughts that may very well strengthen my ability with words. I ranted tonight to some folks about how much I despise the culture of denial, but, following Lin Yutang's advice, tempered my words with a certain amount of reasonableness, in that I noted that it is not entirely impossible that sometime in the future I might join said culture. As it stands, however, I don't intend to apologize for certain behaviors, and hope to never turn my back on them, even if doing so means I have material for a memoir or what have you.

Whenever anyone asks me what my favorite albums are of all time, I have to remember to include Ulver's Perdition City. Simply put, this album is the future, as filtered through Norwegian musical geniuses and contemporary technology. Utterly unbelievable, Perdition City is required listening for anyone seeking to understand the condition of urban man, especially the urban man who does not fall for society's pitiful tricks and half-assed cultural deceptions.

Good night, world. I leave you with this and this.

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