Friday, December 24, 2004

While barely resembling any of the Christmases of my past, I think this year's celebration is off to a good start. You can't beat getting off of work two hours early, coming home, drinking beer, enjoying some burl sense, hanging out with friends, getting good emails, waxing emotional over music, daydreaming, watching the X-Files, eating homemade meatloaf and macaroni and cheese, and falling asleep on the couch.

N.B. I'm only falling asleep on the couch- and not getting up at eight or nine in the morning, because I often fall asleep on the couch and have to move myself into my room- because I can't afford to miss the UPS delivery tomorrow. There are some Christmas gifts in there for some pretty worthwhile folks, and like any sane person, I don't want to drive thirty minutes out of my way to pick them up next week.

Take it easy, folks, and should you not hear from me in person, or read this anytime soon, Merry Christmas and happy holidays. Revel in the company of your loved ones, friends, and family.


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