Monday, December 27, 2004

Christmas has come and gone, and it was good. Not ideal, since my folks aren't in the country and I have to go back to work tomorrow, but there's no point in complaining. I enjoyed the company of good people, including some I haven't seen in a while, received some excellent gifts, and gave some gifts of my own, which I think people liked. Thanks to everyone who made Christmas what it was.

While life is good, I've had a very uneasy feeling all night. I'm sure it'll pass, but man, I wish it would hurry up about it. I'd also like to pinpoint what's causing it, but that's not likely, so I think I'll just read.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The story linked above hypothesizes that left handedness is the cause of all evil. I thought you might appreciate this.

Happy New Year!