Monday, December 08, 2003


I got an email a couple days ago from some dude who'd apparently read my book. He didn't seem to like it, which is fine; I suspect anyone that's not part of my family or a friend will care for it. Turns out, though, that he'd only read the excerpt on, which he found via

This came as a surprise. I pitched an idea for a column to not long before my accident, and only recently have I managed to cough up any follow-up material, which I still haven't sent them. That aside, they've already started running the column, which is about the writing and attempted publishing of my soon-to-finished second novel, entitled Critical Hits. I think it'll be published monthly. (I hope so; I don't want to spit out words more often than that.)

This column is the blip on the radar I previously mentioned. Nothing special, really, but it's nice to have a little something regularly stewing in the writing kettle. The URL is below, so check it out and let me know what y'all think.

np: Katatonia, Viva Emptiness

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