Sunday, September 10, 2006

And so...

...the wheel turns again, ever faster. Freedom dissipates when confronted by financial necessity. Dead Russians speak through their long-dry pens, communication always welcome. A siren comes around then leaves at late hours, confusion her wake. Ash meets ceramic. Songs of snow, blood, fire, towers, dying birds, beds. Talk of Kerouac and Matthew Barney over the thick sweet fumes of a hookah. Phone calls missed and unreturned. Lamplight and coffee. Rain in the midst of sleep. Continual one-sided conversation.

This life, ideal? Not quite, but good enough. I am happy to be living it.


P.S. Bill, there are only three issues of Watching Days Become Years, and you can buy them all at, as I did. Jeff Levine, the author of said comic, also has a lot of good stuff archived on his website.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Hope tomorrow comes quietly and without much effort, even though I suspect otherwise.

Company was appreciated last night.