Friday, June 25, 2004

In the spirit of Chin Shengt'an and The Idler magazine's reader-submitted take on his "Thirty-Three Happy Moments," I give you The Corpse's Handful of Happy Moments. I am in an exceptionally good mood, so I might as well try and lift the spirits of my six dedicated readers.

Waking up at two o'clock in the afternoon and drinking a beer. Ah, is this not happiness?

Spending a long evening by the pool conversing and drinking warm beer with someone you barely know. Ah, is this not happiness?

Being surrounded by good books in every room of the house, and having the time to peruse any of them at my leisure. Ah, is this not happiness?

Expecting a new album to arrive in the mail any day. Ah, is this not happiness?

Not being at work. Ah, is this not happiness?

Having a little money in my pocket that I can spend however I please. Ah, is this not happiness?

Casual correspondence with friends and the possibility of spending time with them. Ah, is this not happiness?

Being four blocks from the public library. Ah, is this not happiness?

Yes, a solid theory of leisure and idleness is most definitely key to recognizing the greatness of life. My thanks to Lin Yutang, Len Bracken, The Idler magazine, and everyone else who knows that the best way to live life is to keep it casual.

1 comment:

chainlinkspiral said...

Beatiful sentiment. You're all alight with glowing goodness. Can't stop the rock tonight.