Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Holy mother of God, Matt Pike (of High On Fire and, formerly, Sleep) has to be one of my favorite fucking guitarists ever. I just downloaded a new HoF tune, "To Cross the Bridge (The Axe-Wielder)," which I heard live a couple-three months ago, and listening to this shit on headphones is un-fuckin'-believable. The new album can't come out soon enough.

I know that posting this kinda shit firmly cements my status as a (bluuurgghhFUCK) "blogger," but fuck it. Everyone needs to learn some fuckin' metal appreciation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember the good old days when they were just on-line journals. I refuse to calls them blogs.

Glad to see you haven't mellowed out.

I have no idea what bands/songs/artists you are talking about. I'm not ashamed to admit it. I just stumbled across your page whilst mocking Jay's tattoo on his webpage.

Makes me wonder - how many tattoos do you have, VD?
