Sunday, March 27, 2022

千字文 / The Thousand Character Classic, part 33


míng fèng zài zhú

"the singing feng bird in the bamboo"

I've said before that the mythical 鳳 feng bird is not a phoenix, even though that's how it's usually translated. Its appearance here marks what looks like another shift in focus among the verses of the 千字文; we'll soon find out what this particular series of lines has to say.

Not a whole lot to say about this one, y'all, but while looking into the not-phoenix feng I ran across another 封 feng that is far weirder. This feng, AKA 視肉 shirou or "looks like meat," is a mythological creature whose flesh regrows as fast as one can eat it. (I hope for its own sake that it's not sentient.) It makes an appearance in the 山海經 Classic of Mountains and Seas, an old Chinese gazetteer-cum-bestiary that would probably make for some cool D&D material.



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