Tuesday, January 18, 2022

千字文 / The Thousand Character Classic, part 24


yǒu yú táo táng

"You Yu and Tao Tang"


有虞 ("the holder of Yu") is the clan or lineage name of 帝舜 Emperor Shun, who lived over four thousand years ago and was a descendant of the Yellow Emperor. Shun was the successor of 堯 Yao, also known by his clan name of 陶唐 Tao Tang. Both of them are included in the 三皇五帝 Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors I mentioned a few posts back—basically, they're among the mythological founders of the Chinese state.

Yao abdicated his throne to Shun after ruling for more than 70 years, which makes you wonder what took him so long. Apparently, it's because his sons were useless, and didn't deserve to rule. Yao and Shun were apparently quite popular with Confucians, who found their behavior, particularly their stepping aside in favor of better men, exemplary. While 70 years on the throne seems absurdly long, when you realize there are American politicians who've been serving for over 50 years, it's not quite as far-fetched.

Yao also is the legendary inventor of the game 圍棋 weiqi, better known as Go. That's pretty cool.

More emperors and their deeds tomorrow, or later today, depending on how busy I am. 




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