Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Links 1.25.2022 — Molly Cook, Weird Studies, Peace Labor May, Tokozenji, SHWEP

Hey, folks. I thought I'd post some links to people and things that have been occupying my mindspace as of late.

In no particular order:

Tokozenji is a Rinzai Zen temple in Yokohama, Japan, that offers zazen via Zoom twice a month, with instructions and brief dharma talks in Japanese and English. I've joined both January meetings, and it's a very worthwhile experience. 

Peace Labor May is a Marxist vlogger and writer from Kazakhstan whose work I discovered last month. I like her open, honest approach to things a lot. She's one of the few voices I've heard directly from Kazakhstan in the wake of the unrest there earlier this month.

I met Molly Cook at the end of December, not long after she'd filed to run in the Democratic primary against John "prisoners don't deserve air conditioning" Whitmire for Texas Senate district 15. Whitmire, who wants to be mayor of Houston, figures he'll run that campaign while also serving as state senator for the 40th year in a row. To which I say: fuck you, man, way to disregard your constituents. Molly, on the other hand, is an ER nurse, DSA member, and tireless community organizer. Read an interview with her here in the Texas Signal.

Weird Studies is a podcast about, well, weirdness. Wide-ranging, entertaining, deeply knowledgeable, and possessed of a spirit of inquiry well-suited to the many varieties of human experience, it's one of my favorite things to listen to when I'm driving, which thankfully is not that often.

The Secret History of Western Esotericism is another podcast, one I started listening to just today (or was it yesterday?). It looks to be devilishly detailed in its analysis of the history of western traditions of ritual magic, theosophy, gnosticism, occultism, alchemy, and the like over the course of roughly two millennia. Seriously, check out the episode list and tell me that's not dense as hell.

If that's not enough to keep you busy, I'll post another thrilling installment of the Thousand Character Classic project tomorrow.


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