Friday, March 28, 2003

Well, Beck's liters are no longer the special at Molly's, so I settled for Shiner and Spaten. They did the trick nicely. So did getting to play a shitload of Black Sabbath songs. A good night on all sides.

Got my applications in for new jobs, one of them dealing with corpses, the others with potential biohazards. Either group is far superior to customer service/retail/dealing with the public in general. Come to think of it, decaying corpses and lab rats are far more interesting and human than the miserable fucks that call themselves customers where I work.

Blew forty bucks on comics last night: couple issues of Hellblazer, a Hellboy book guest-written/drawn by some good folks, new Grrl Scouts, new Blue Monday, and both of Brian Wood's newest projects, The Couriers and Jenny One. The Couriers was especially good. (Note my lack of italics; this is due to laziness, and will probably continue.) I haven't been to the comic shop in a while, so it was great skimming over all the new books and being aware of the fact that I was buying the good stuff. They also had some cool Drinky Crow coasters I might have to splurge on. I'll explain their purchase by saying they're, uh, a housewarming gift. Yeah, that's it.

Man, reading comics is the way to go. I'm looking forward to the day when I make enough money to go apeshit every Wednesday at the comic shop. Of course, those days are a long, long way down the road, if they're even there at all.

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