Friday, May 24, 2024

Goddamn, I'm busy

別來無恙。To call being actively involved in the labor movement in several different capacities, across several different unions, a time-consuming effort is an understatement. While I'm not working feverishly from 9 to 5 every day, I am frequently out at worksites at 6 AM, answering phone calls from members on weekends, and getting on Zoom in the evenings. My schedule is best described as fragmented. I'm mostly used to it at this point, though I'm not pleased with how little time or energy it leaves me to read, write, and translate. 

To that end, I've been making an effort to put time aside to do some translating. I don't have anything to share at the moment, but I will have draft translations of two Jorge de Sena poems about Luís de Camões ready by June 10, which is the Dia de Portugal, de Camões, e das Comunidades Portuguesas. I'm also reading Camões' epic poem Os Lusíadas in Portuguese, since 2024 marks the 500th anniversary of Camões' birth, and because I've only read it in English translation. 

My Chinese studies have been neglected, too. I was making good progress with classical/literary Chinese, but haven't really touched it in a few months. I finally found a modern Chinese learning app that suits me well, so I'm actually improving my Mandarin reading skills; work keeps getting in the way of meeting my tutor online and practicing conversational skills, however.

Overall, I'm optimistic I can get back into the swing of things w/r/t translation and writing. Even writing this blog post is a step in the right direction. Neverthless, life has a way of getting in the way, and as they say, 前途未卜 — it's hard to see the future. 


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