Wednesday, June 15, 2022

千字文 / The Thousand Character Classic, part 45


wǎng tán bǐ duǎn 

"do not discuss the shortcomings of others"


This line directly corresponds to the following one, so I'll write that one up in a minute. I'm relying on my own skills and usual Chinese reading tools at the moment, since I'm still in isolation and my 千字文 materials are in the other room (where my wife could get them for me, but I don't want to bother her since she's got things to do).

While it can be cathartic to talk shit about someone else's failings, and in some cases is a completely necessary step towards resolving problems involving or caused by that person, the Thousand Character Classic wisely warns against it. Focusing on another's shortcomings allows you to ignore your own, and to deflect any blame that might rightfully fall on you. Besides, it's just shitty and unconstructive to snipe at people all the time. 


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