Friday, November 22, 2013

No patience, or, this corpse is getting old.

Tonight I strolled down the street to see Adam Warrock, one of my favorite rappers. I went early enough to hear all of the three opening acts, 1.5 of which I enjoyed. What I didn't enjoy was the blathering of audience members that, in one way or another, could have been me ten to twelve years ago. I'm getting old, and bored of pretty much anything that isn't heavy metal-, literature-, or 16th century-related*. My pull list at the comic shop is halved every six months; I want to play D&D, but potential players are few and far between; being told that title X (be it a comic or game) is an awesome reiteration of something already well-established is not enough for me to spent time and money on it.

I guess I'm sick of so-called nerd culture, which in some ways resembles someone patting themselves on the back while furiously jerking off. My own interests could, and not inaccurately, be described as equally solipsistic and meaningless, and I'm cool with that. I just- I don't know. The constant appeal to the media one ingests, and the reaction thereto, seems hollow. "I like X, therefore Y", wherein X is a particular media product, and Y signifies practically nothing.

Whatever. I'm super-tired and not really fit to be picking apart media habits. Corpse out.


*Which isn't accurate at all.

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