Friday, January 11, 2013

"Adieu, Knucklehead"

"Adieu, Knucklehead"

A life as rich as
and the color of
early autumn ale
underbellied with white foam
ended three nights ago,
suddenly, senselessly.

Everything she gave the world
seems gone.
Not just gone:
taken away,
leaving an empty house
and a flock of unhassled birds.

But everything she gave the world
remains. Yes, she was taken away:
no more
clawed awakenings
occupied pillows
whiskers in the window.

These human hearts can blind us
to the fact that she,
all of this,
never really go, never really came;
yet those same hearts ever speak true.

in memoriam Orange Kitty, 2005-2013
(written 1.10.2013-1.11.2013)

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